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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Boring de 1 week....haiz..

(17-10-2008)morning go school gt exam...sien nia...PD 2 1st time got do only...wakaka....pandai liao..wakaka..kiding kiding...thn...2nd paper sejarah..haha..same same....dingdongtiang ..wakaka...thn after go red-box with jeje,rita and ah bin...wah...so many ppl at red-box...oh...yaoh...forget today is pmr last day tim...ppl exam finish liao go relax....bt we 4 still at exam..wakaka...after sing thn go find eat...1st we all want eat japan food de...bt no open yet...so we go find other bt many also no open..T^T so final go eat 'lohlok' *(duno spell right boh)thn jiu go home le....

(18-10-2008)morning jiu wake up early le..cause go school de jamuan for form 5 de...walao...jeje weird want same shirt with me...gv ppl say couple shirt nia...haiz...xi guan jiu hao....thn the jamuan start at 8.++ thn end at 12.++ ,me and science class de friend sit together ..wakaka...also laught till sakit perut...wakaka....so funny...thn home ...bath jiu slp ki liao...slp till 3.++pm wake up...wao...so hungry..thn go bath jiu eat le...bt eat finish liao..same hungry de...duno y...thn no eat le...terus go work le...thn at work place same loh...sien...haiz...1 day jiu pass le...

(19-10-2008)today early also want wake up le...want go heard about teknik spm d....on the way go my friend tak sempat turn in the corner so we all wait till haiz...duno how 2 say..so blur....@.@
thn want sampai liao...1 shit car duno buta or wat keft little only jiu langgar tiok jeffery liao..hew~~ ntg jiu ok le...thn we heard gt bm,bi,sj,am and ac...whn ac we all home already wakaka...cause he come to my school be4 liao de...duno they will say us boh...no finish jiu home 1st...wakaka...thn when home bery tired bt no slp..find my friend take english song..thn back home...thn go scearh new song...haha..gv me find tiok...Jj de new song and peter pan de..wakaka...new de ....^^thn after that go bath..eat...work..home..until now loh...wakaka..so hungry..

10:59 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


初恋~世界上最甜美的事情 莫过于你慢慢地向我走来静静地诉说着「我爱你」

暗恋~世界上最遥远的距离 不是生与死而是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你

痴恋~世界上最遥远的距离不是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你而是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起

苦恋~世界上最遥远的距离不是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起而是明明无法抵挡这股想念却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里

失恋~世界上最遥远的距离 我明明无法抵挡这股想念却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里而是用自己冷默的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠


9:18 AM



有个男孩他很爱一个女孩,不管什么事情都是顺着女孩,惯着女孩,原因就一个他想让这段感情持续的更久不管什么事情都是女孩对的尽管是女孩真的错的 他都会向女孩道歉,原因就一个他想让这段感情持续的更久但是他知道没多少时间了 男孩瞒着女孩一件事情 女孩永远不知道的事情.

男孩的家境不是怎么好 所以很多地方满足不了女孩他怕因为这样而失去女孩 所以他在瞒着女孩的情况下拼命的找工作 一直的工作让男孩的手头有点宽松了 他就约女孩出来 给她买衣服 买吃的 买用的 女孩很开心 男孩看着女孩这么开心 心里也很舒服 那些辛苦很值得 但女孩不知道 在这些衣服 吃的 用的 的背后是男孩起早抹黑拼命换来的 女孩永远不知道 有一次男孩对女孩说:你比我的命更重要.女孩淡淡的笑过说:不相信。男孩沉默了,之后他们各自回了家...

情人节快到了 男孩又开始惆怅 他在想这次没钱了怎么办 想了好久 他想到了一个另人不敢相信的办法 离2.14还有1个礼拜 女孩每天都打电话过来说:老公不要忘记了哦,一定要给我一个大大的惊喜哦,一定要让我难忘哦。 男孩说:没有忘记,这个情人节我一定会让你难忘的。女孩:为什么是这个啊,我以后每个2.14都要难忘,不许忘记。男孩:........(流下了眼泪)我尽量。女孩:什么意思啊...不和你说了真是的搞坏我的心情 2.14之前不许和我联系 到那天我满意了 就原谅你(说完就挂了电话)。男孩拿着电话听这嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟.....的声音说了3个字 对不起...

离2.14只有5天了 男孩用了那个另人不敢相信办法(男孩在2月份的天气用冷水冲洗着自己的身体,整整冲了半个小时,整个人已经冷的麻木了)男孩的妈妈回来了 男孩说发烧了(男孩她妈妈因为很忙)给我点钱 我去打点滴 就这样男孩用自己的健康换来了200元 之后他就一个人去打点滴了 其实他是去给女孩买礼物了 就这样瞒过了所有人

2.14到了男孩打了女孩的电话 声音很轻 因为他快不行了 女孩和男孩见面了 2人一起去吃了KFC 女孩满开心的 男孩把花给了女孩 突然女孩说: 怎么就1支啊 这么小气 你就不能多买点的啊 你看看别人的男朋友都是一大束一大束的 你在看看你. 男孩什么话都没说.....过了一会女孩说:礼物呢,快给我,我要回家了.男孩依然沉默.......女孩很生气的走了.男孩慢慢的从身后拿出了一个被他用体温捂热的漂流瓶....男孩哭了...

之后一个月女孩没有联系男孩 男孩也没有联系女孩 女孩更生气了 直到有一天女孩收到一个包裹 包裹里面有....1份信 一个漂流瓶 和一张病例卡 女孩感到一丝不对 马上到开了信......

老婆对不起情人节让你失望了,礼物我那天带在身上,后来我怕你会觉得太寒酸我 也就没拿出来现在我还是把它给了你,答应我不要扔掉,一直放着好吗 ,我撒谎了,我说好要 爱你一辈子,要娶你的可是现在不行了对不起。我是为了你才能活这么久的,是你给了我活的动力,但是现在时间到了,上天让过去了。对不起我瞒了你一件事情,你看病例卡就知道了,我真的很爱你,真的,你真的比我的命还重要我没有骗你请你相信我,如果有下辈子我还可以做你男 朋友吗,原谅我好吗?
女孩的眼睛已经模糊了,那张信纸也早已湿透了,她慢慢的从箱子里拿出那张有点发黄的病例卡,她不敢看挣扎了好久,她不感相信这是事实,她使劲的打自己,她告诉自己不痛 这是梦 这一切都是梦 病例卡上写着....
那里的日期竟然是在1年前 男孩为了女孩又多活了7个月这是多么不可思议,我想这就是爱的力量吧,
女孩已经泣不成声了,哭了好久好久,最后睡着了,她醒来之后看到那封信 又哭了..............


9:09 AM

Friday, October 3, 2008

1 week de holiday..so sien...haiz.....

(29-09-2008)Today is TangTang birthday ^^...hehe...happy birthday oh ....^^ today me ,micko and kai qi..go buy present for she..on the way go micko house no rain de....bt....sudenly a big rain fall down..arh!!!!!!!!!make till me all shirt wet ==" haiz....then go micko house...for waiting my shirt wet become back normal...i see his pc...wakaka..kena virus liao..wakaka....haha.....then i try install ani-virus for she pc...bt duno y cant use de =="...hoho...she need to format pc liao.....
after the rain not so big then we 2 go find kai qi...after find kai qi....we 3 go wait bus ...then after erm...30minit like tat ..we 3 reach P.M liao....then we 3 go buy present for TangTang at S&J....haiz...at there use liao want 1 hour come liao to dicided buy what present...haha...at last we buy a doll...a frog..!!?? haha....then we 3 bring to TangTang house....lucky she like the present...ha..then gud le...^^At here Wish Again TangTang..happy and health 4ever loh..^^
(30-09-2008)Today gt people birthday again ..wakaka.....is micko....haha....erm....haiz....all day is rain day==" morning want go premata play badminton de....but rain too big...so only can say hapy birthday to micko at phone...sry oh....no present also...T.Tsry ya....
Then the rain stop at 12.++ pm..then my mummy take me to P.M to buy shirt for me woh...^^.so hapy gt new shirt liao wakaka....huh...buy till Rm250...thanks ya...mummy ^^ today is not so hapy de loh...gaduh with my friend...bt now we all still friend i dun want write out wat hapend le...pass le jiu pass le....^^ sry cause me.....sry...T.T ,at night 10.30pm...D.o.S meeting about tomorow want go watch wat mv and t-shirt de thing..walao...on the way go mcd...so cool ~~" when meeting so blur@-@ i no say tiok thing pun...jt sit there @@they all say tomorow watch mv at 7.40pm..night mv...so tired and so blur....go home le...then many ppl cant go night so me and korkor(nighty)decided morning we go with they cant night de...talk till midnight 1am want come le...baru settle...@.@ haiz...i want 3 am baru can slp..haiz...2moro 12.00go micko house..then go with other 3 girl =="
(01-10-2008)Today 8am jiu wake up le....only slp erm....5 hour..walao...head so pain ,then i go open pc and download mv and watch till 11.25 then i go bath..when i come up i tiok masage u want come le ma ..wat!!!!!!!!not 12pm meh....y 11.30am ki eh......huh!!!!!then i hurry do thing finish liao then run to micko house....hew~so tired....then we all go wait bus then fast de gt bus le ...yeah ^^ then we reach liao...huh..nighty and tangtang not reach yet...we all duno want go whr so i go popular buy mineral water 1st..so thirsty....then we go eat food de plc wait they all reach...then we go pa game.....they ply they de me go play initial d bt....haiz...my hand cause accident still pain hard to control steering ...haiz..ply 2 round also lose ..haiz....nvm liao la...wait my hand recover 1st...then we go outside cinema say want watch mv or nt...lolx...at there talk till so blur ...then me ,nighty,and TangTang go buy present for yesterday birthday de micko....bt...when i say ti them we 3 gt something do later find u all...micko like angry us liao...aiyo..sry la....ok?we jt want buy present for u nt dun want go with u de...sry..T.T ....when nighty take TangTang go home..me and other 2 also want home liao de...bt left micko 1 person i wry so i decided teman she...ops..nt only we 2 and other 2 girl goh...then micko head pain....then i call they and micko go foodcourt o rest 1st...i go buy mineral water for they all...then micko say she head so pain...so i go buy penaldo for she to eat...then she tell us later nighty back she want home le....cause she now very steam ..cant teman nighty till night le.....so we all sure can de....duno y ...i home le..eat le...bath le....@@ so slpy 1st time go pm so tired like tat belum 10pm i already slp liao....ZzZ....

10:47 AM